Creative Marketing Solutions: Fresh, Effective Strategies for Attracting Clients and Customers from Marcia Yudkin
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"Attract Your Ideal Clients" Teleseminar

"You've got to get out there and hustle to build your business."

Have you been told that without making cold calls or sending cold letters you haven't a prayer of finding clients?  I was told this, too, and it couldn't have been farther from the truth.  

In this one-hour interactive teleseminar, I shared how, early in my career, I outperformed my business partner by attracting clients rather than hunting them down.  You'll learn the no-cost marketing tactic that prompted qualified prospects to beg me for help - even though I never even mentioned I offered paid consulting!  This tactic still works beautifully today if it suits your abilities and personality.

"Marcia provided good inspiration to get out there and find the business I want rather than waiting for it to find me." - Joe Wright, Grand Rapids, MI

You'll also learn the second most helpful marketing tactic, also no-cost, that attracted clients who stayed with me for five, eight and even eleven years.  Again, they sought me out;  I did not chase them down.  Learn how I'd tweak this tactic today to target exactly the clients I wanted to attract.

The third most helpful marketing tactic, also no-cost, is something that I've seen attract to protégés of mine their first clients.  This too can bring in the ideal clients you want if you use it intelligently.  Discover how, why and when to use this tactic to best advantage.

"Forget about targeting Niche X;  they don't have the money to hire you."

Have you been told you'll never make it unless you aim at client companies that are not the type of people you yearn to serve?  There's a lot of nonsense out there about who can and can't or will and won't pay the kind of fees that can keep you in business.

"Definitely opened my eyes to a lucrative market I hadn't considered.  Marcia Yudkin is a great teacher and mentor.  I have learned more from her than from anyone else in the marketing business." - Charles Brown, Dallas, TX

Find out why generalizations that are intended to help you can instead keep you from attracting well-funded, loyal clients who have way more money to spend than average.  Don't worry, I will not go woo-woo on you, but if you have an open mind, I'll convince you that how you conduct yourself in speaking and writing has a profound influence in bringing you high-spending clients in any business niche.  Yes, any niche!

"Very informative.  Great call!" - Carolyn Erickson, Wichita, KS

You'll hear several real-life examples and practical advice on how to send out the right signals on the web and elsewhere to coax your ideal clients out of their remote caves.  The hour finishes up with listener questions and comments.

"This session has value for anyone trying to market their services to other businesses in the B2B arena." - Mark Bohrer, Saratoga, CA

None of what you'll be hearing in this recorded teleseminar comes from theory.  It's all what I've learned from being successfully self-employed for more than 25 years, from being determined to build a business that suits me and from carefully observing what works for others.

This audio recording is part of the Law of Attraction Marketing  collection.  Learn more.


Inspired! by Marcia Yudkin
Publicity Ideas from Marcia Yudkin
Copywriting Techniques from Marcia Yudkin
Web Site Makeovers from Marcia Yudkin
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