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About Author and Essayist Marcia Yudkin

Marcia Yudkin is the author of 17 nonfiction books, including Freelance Writing for Magazines & Newspapers (HarperCollins, Book of the Month Club) and 6 Steps to Free Publicity (Plume/Penguin and Career Press), which went into three editions. Other books got translated into French, German and Korean.

Not counting having read her poems on local TV at the age of 7, she made her writing debut in January 1981 in the Sunday New York Times.

Marcia Yudkin

Marcia Yudkin in Hawaii

As a freelance writer, Marcia published articles in mainstream magazines like TWA Ambassador, USAIr Magazine, Business 2.0, Cosmopolitan, Ms. and the New York Times Magazine as well as in niche publications like New Age Journal, Yoga Journal and The Village Voice.

She delivered personal essays on NPR Marketplace and WBUR, the NPR station in Boston.  Since retiring from decades as a marketing coach, she has begun writing for general audiences again.

[See Marcia's marketing-coach bio]

Essay links

"The Professor-Student Barrier to Growth," New York Times (PDF)

"Falling in Love in China," Ms. (PDF)

"Chen's Mother," New York Times Magazine "Hers" Column

"Words, Words, Words," Brevity Blog

"Lost and Found With Marcus Aurelius," Modern Stoicism

"The Litterer and I," The Bluebird Word

"I Call It Running," Next Avenue

"The Spy I Wasn't," The Raven's Perch

"But My Dance Card Isn't Yours," Down in the Dirt (PDF)

"Trespassers," Meat for Tea (PDF)

"Excavating the Past," Grande Dame Literary

"Confidentially," The Manifest Station

"What Went Unsaid," Your Tango

"88.6," Feels Blind Literary

"Love Molds™ Analysis #26," Does It Have Pockets?

"Remnants," Kitchen Table Quarterly

"Reaching Back," Stillpoint Arts Quarterly (PDF)

"The Fervent Finger of Blame," The Quiet Reader

"A Key Connection to My Father," The Bookends Review 

"Silence, Luscious Silence," Great River Review (forthcoming)

"The Killing Season," Atlantic Northeast Magazine (forthcoming)

"Betrayed From Within," Flare Magazine (forthcoming)

"6 Degrees of Abandonment," The Gilded Weathervane (forthcoming)

"Getting to the Bear Truth," Litro Magazine (forthcoming)

Short story links

"Doors Made to Order," Yankee, reprinted in New Fiction from New England (PDF)

"Bonds," Yankee (PDF)

"Lessons," Writers' Forum (PDF)

"Found on Mary Lou Krakelheimer's Hard Drive," Flash Fiction

Since June 2022 Marcia has published a weekly newsletter, Introvert UpThink, which critiques the many misunderstandings and myths about introverts in our extrovert-dominant culture.  Introvert UpThink also discusses how introverts are portrayed in novels, poetry and nonfiction.


Marcia holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in philosophy from Cornell University and a B.A. from Brown University. She taught philosophy at Smith College and taught writing at Boston University, Babson College, the New England School of Law and Holyoke Community College.

To get in touch:

Marcia Yudkin
Creative Ways
P.O. Box 305
Goshen, MA 01032
Phone: 1-413-563-4134


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